
Find Weather Updates in select cities in the Republic of Ireland and United Kingdom

Gatwick Airport Runway View

Weather in Gatwick

Summary of Weather in Cardiff for the next 24 hours and detailed verbal summary for today/tomorrow

Weather in Cardiff Wales

Weather in Cardiff

Summary of Weather in Cardiff for the next 24 hours and detailed verbal summary for today/tomorrow

Weather in London

Weather in London

Summary of Weather in London for the next 24 hours and detailed verbal summary for today/tomorrow

Weather in Derry Northern Ireland

Weather in Derry

Summary of Weather in Derry for the next 24 hours and detailed verbal summary for today/tomorrow

Weather in Donegal Ireland

Weather in Donegal

Summary of Weather in Donegal for the next 24 hours and detailed verbal summary for today/tomorrow

Weathe rin Shannon Ireland

Weather in Shannon

Summary of Weather in Shannon for the next 24 hours and detailed verbal summary for today/tomorrow

Weather in Knock Ireland

Weather in Knock

Summary of Weather in Knock for the next 24 hours and detailed verbal summary for today/tomorrow

Weather in Cork Ireland

Weather in Cork

Summary of Weather in Cork for the next 24 hours and detailed verbal summary for today/tomorrow